Team Spyder 1622

2024-2025 Team Application:

* Required Fields

Student Information

A value is required. A value is required.
A value is required. A value is required. A value is required.
A value is required.
-Enter your home number here
: A value is required.
Please select an item.
Please select an item.
Please select an item.

Demographic Information

Please select an item.
* Ethnicity
Black or African American Hispanic
Caucasian Middle Eastern
American Indian or Alaska Native Asian (including Indian subcontinent and Philippines origin)
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Other:
What languages (other than English) do you know?
(We may need help with translation of outreach materials to be distributed in other countries)
* Do you come from a low income family?

Please make a selection.

* Do you participate in the reduced/free lunch program?

Please make a selection.

* Are you a an intra/inter district transfer student? If so, from where?
Please make a selection.
* Are you an International or Exchange Student

Please make a selection.

Experience and Interests

Before being on Team Spyder, not as a mentor I have also participated in...
(Check all that apply)

* Are you mentoring or have mentored a team?
Please make a selection.

Potential Team Jobs

I am applying for a position in...
(Please check all that apply)

Business Department Robot Team Public Relations/Outreach

Application for team jobs is not a garuntee of job availability


Parent Information

Parent Contact:

A value is required. A value is required.

A value is required.

After clicking submit,
you and your parents will both receive an email that MUST responded to in order to complete the application process.

Please Click Submit only Once!